Maria Rita Fiasco

Maria Rita Fiasco

Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy
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Articles by Maria Rita


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  • La sfida del "new normal"​

    FORMAZIONE & CAMBIAMENTO - Rassegna trimestrale di teorie e pratiche dell'apprendimento

    Ogni qual volta entro in azienda, ed in particolare quando parlo con i responsabili HR e L&D, quel che spesso osservo è quanto sia necessario diffondere nei processi di capacity building metodologie e strumenti pensati per ottenere il massimo da ciò che è diventato "normale" per le persone (the new normal).
    Ma cosa è diventato "normale" nella vita delle persone? L'osservazione di come noi tutti stiamo cambiando, suggerisce la…

    Ogni qual volta entro in azienda, ed in particolare quando parlo con i responsabili HR e L&D, quel che spesso osservo è quanto sia necessario diffondere nei processi di capacity building metodologie e strumenti pensati per ottenere il massimo da ciò che è diventato "normale" per le persone (the new normal).
    Ma cosa è diventato "normale" nella vita delle persone? L'osservazione di come noi tutti stiamo cambiando, suggerisce la risposta....

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  • Nuovi linguaggi, nuovi modi (e “luoghi”) dell’innovazione e dell’apprendimento nell’impresa in rete

    Roma Tre I Master HR Specialist 2012/2013

    Paper and video-lesson within the framework of the Master for HR Specialist 2012/2013, promoted by the Università Roma Tre, AIIDP Association and Consorzio Elis Consel

    "Corporate Knowledge Management Nuovi linguaggi, nuovi modi (e “luoghi”) dell’innovazione e dell’apprendimento nell’impresa in rete" - Abstract
    Le conoscenze di cui abbiamo bisogno per lavorare, per risolvere problemi, per migliorare la nostra performance sono oggi sempre di più “ a portata di mano”, sono intorno a noi…

    Paper and video-lesson within the framework of the Master for HR Specialist 2012/2013, promoted by the Università Roma Tre, AIIDP Association and Consorzio Elis Consel

    "Corporate Knowledge Management Nuovi linguaggi, nuovi modi (e “luoghi”) dell’innovazione e dell’apprendimento nell’impresa in rete" - Abstract
    Le conoscenze di cui abbiamo bisogno per lavorare, per risolvere problemi, per migliorare la nostra performance sono oggi sempre di più “ a portata di mano”, sono intorno a noi e spesso molto vicine. Corsi di formazione, database e repository aziendali, manuali e documentazione strutturata, biblioteche elettroniche, siti e portali internet, intranet aziendali sono risorse essenziali, “classiche” e in continua crescita. Ma accanto a queste risorse ve ne sono altre, la cui importanza e ruolo stanno crescendo velocemente e che valorizzano la dimensione sociale dell’apprendere e dell’innovare: si apprende osservando i colleghi, seguendo le indicazioni e attraverso la supervisione di un capo, condividendo idee, esempi e best practice con altri reparti all’interno dell’azienda o con altre realtà esterne, e anche semplicemente mettendo in comune le esperienze di ogni giorno. La sfida delle aziende è oggi sempre più quella di connettere tutte le risorse della conoscenza e renderle disponibili, trasformare l’apprendimento informale in qualcosa di più strutturato, rigoroso e disponibile. Le tecnologie per il networking e per la collaborazione, i social media iniziano ora a creare opportunità di apprendimento e nuovi spazi e linguaggi per l’innovazione a tutti i livelli.

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  • Innovazione e Apprendimento, in "Apprendimento e Nuove Tecnologie", Franco Angeli, 2011

    "Apprendimento e Nuove tecnologie",

    Innovation and learning are closely related to human nature and it is difficult to give them unique and comprehensive definitions. Both words refer to the concept of transformation of behavior, ways to deal with the changing process for a better adaptation to the environment. In the past, the two concepts were not always dealt with in a close interdependence: up to twenty years ago, innovation was treated in the disciplines of business and organization and referred mainly to R & D but at the…

    Innovation and learning are closely related to human nature and it is difficult to give them unique and comprehensive definitions. Both words refer to the concept of transformation of behavior, ways to deal with the changing process for a better adaptation to the environment. In the past, the two concepts were not always dealt with in a close interdependence: up to twenty years ago, innovation was treated in the disciplines of business and organization and referred mainly to R & D but at the end of the eighties something starts to change.

    Thanks to the information technology revolution, economists highlighted the role of the diffusive IT technology, capable of permeating all production processes and processes that would have triggered mass usability: the advent of digital technology, already in the seventies, increased the productivity in forms and rates that were dramatically different than in the past. The evolution of information technology and the invention of several devices have also contributed to the widespread dissemination of computational tools for use by novice users as well, that are often directly involved in the development and innovation of specific applications designed for each area.

    The era of “transmediality”, which considers the communication done by user and “through” the user, the construction of new information and of a user experience linked to the creation of "user generated contents" made available to all. The users are at the center of innovation and we are witnessing the convergence of technology and innovation environments on the one hand and learning technologies on the other. Nowadays innovation technologies are the same as learning technologies. And the "places" of learning and innovation are the "same" in the Internet and through the Internet.

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  • Gestire Innovazione e Conoscenza

    Manuale di management: scenari, modelli e strumenti per l’impresa nell’economia digitale, Utet

    Le imprese sono costrette a modificare dalle fondamenta i principi che hanno sinora ispirato la loro conduzione strategica e operativa, capovolgendo le priorità della 'vecchia economia' e ponendo la conoscenza e il capitale intellettuale al centro del sistema di risorse che consentono all'impresa di svolgere la propria missione con successo. Scopo di quest'opera è quello di offrire a manager e operatori d'impresa uno strumento di riferimento teorico e applicativo che consenta di consolidare e…

    Le imprese sono costrette a modificare dalle fondamenta i principi che hanno sinora ispirato la loro conduzione strategica e operativa, capovolgendo le priorità della 'vecchia economia' e ponendo la conoscenza e il capitale intellettuale al centro del sistema di risorse che consentono all'impresa di svolgere la propria missione con successo. Scopo di quest'opera è quello di offrire a manager e operatori d'impresa uno strumento di riferimento teorico e applicativo che consenta di consolidare e di sviluppare il proprio bagaglio di conoscenze generali e professionali, al fine di poter sempre meglio operare in uno scenario in cui le uniche costanti sono ormai costituite dal cambiamento e dalla complessità.

    Other authors
    • Walter Giorgio Scott
    • Mauro Murtula
    • Maurizio Stecco
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  • Commercio elettronico e PMI

    Commercio elettronico: verso nuovi rapporti tra imprese e mercati, Utet

    ll commercio elettronico rappresenta un fenomeno di eccezionale importanza per l'intero sistema economico, sociale e istituzionale, che sta ora rapidamente evolvendo verso la "società dell'informazione". Un tema di tanta importanza richiede una diffusione quanto più ampia e articolata possibile delle conoscenze dell'e-business: dalla dimensione tecnologica al quadro istituzionale e normativo, dal marketing ai nuovi attori che si affacciano sul mercato. Ma è altrettanto necessario che tale…

    ll commercio elettronico rappresenta un fenomeno di eccezionale importanza per l'intero sistema economico, sociale e istituzionale, che sta ora rapidamente evolvendo verso la "società dell'informazione". Un tema di tanta importanza richiede una diffusione quanto più ampia e articolata possibile delle conoscenze dell'e-business: dalla dimensione tecnologica al quadro istituzionale e normativo, dal marketing ai nuovi attori che si affacciano sul mercato. Ma è altrettanto necessario che tale diffusione poggi su una base scientificamente solida, quale gli autori sono in grado di fornire. All'opera è allegato un CD ROM.

    Other authors
    • Walter Giorgio Scott
    • Mauro Murtula
    • Maurizio Stecco
    See publication


  • Istud Executive Development Programme


    Istud Executive Development Programme positions itself as a training path to General Management and Leadership in which participants can hone their ability to analyse complex problems and make business decisions. Here possible action patterns are researched, cognizance of and interaction with all corporate functions are encouraged and people are confronted with different realities. Participants will learn to understand change and evaluate its impact, they will share its logics with other…

    Istud Executive Development Programme positions itself as a training path to General Management and Leadership in which participants can hone their ability to analyse complex problems and make business decisions. Here possible action patterns are researched, cognizance of and interaction with all corporate functions are encouraged and people are confronted with different realities. Participants will learn to understand change and evaluate its impact, they will share its logics with other players in the organization and ultimately tackle issues involving resources and skills from other company functions, thus securing tools and methodologies for designing innovative business solutions.
    Objectives: Learn to read an organization as a network: focus on the links rather than the components; Understand how to lead and manage change through one’s own leadership; Understand logics and handle issues calling for the competencies of different company functions; Acquire methods and tools to develop innovative business solutions.
    Teaching methods: Peer Coaching; Study tours; Personal Storytelling; Business Cases
    - Module 1: Defining business: competitiveness and sustainability
    - Module 2: Managing business: value delivery, economics and finance
    - Module 3: Changing business: change management projects and processes

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  • Lead 3.0 Academy


    Lead3.0 Academy is a project that will establish a long lasting knowledge alliance between academy and industry.
    The challenge is to widespread the use of social learning and Open Educational Resources (OER) by trainers to develop soft e-leadership skills. Skills such as decision making, people management, strategic vision, design, creativity, etc. are crucial for the Digital Age labour market.
    Lead3.0 Academy aims to become the EU reference in defining soft e-leadership skills and…

    Lead3.0 Academy is a project that will establish a long lasting knowledge alliance between academy and industry.
    The challenge is to widespread the use of social learning and Open Educational Resources (OER) by trainers to develop soft e-leadership skills. Skills such as decision making, people management, strategic vision, design, creativity, etc. are crucial for the Digital Age labour market.
    Lead3.0 Academy aims to become the EU reference in defining soft e-leadership skills and providing training programmes for teachers and trainers from universities, business schools and corporate academies, and for managers from enterprises, including SMEs.
    Training will be delivered through a learning virtual platform using Open Educational Resources, and involving communities of teachers, trainers and managers.
    Lead3.0 is based on an open approach to learning processes in terms of producing and sharing knowledge, and in terms of acquisition and transfer of methodologies.
    Nine partners from seven EU countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal and UK) are working together to design and develop the international Lead 3.0 Academy, involving trainers of the academic and business world as well as students and managers.

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  • Foody Conversational Agent per ExpoMilano2015


    Foody, la mascotte di Expo Milano 2015 via chat risponde alle tue domande sul Progetto Scuola.
    Il Progetto Scuola guiderà gli studenti di tutte le scuole in un percorso di scoperta e apprendimento, che avrà inizio con il lavoro svolto in classe sul tema di Expo Milano 2015 “Nutrire il pianeta. Energia per la vita” e terminerà con la visita al sito espositivo.
    Attraverso Foody, l’operatore virtuale, sarà possibile ottenere informazioni, semplificare l’organizzazione delle gite…

    Foody, la mascotte di Expo Milano 2015 via chat risponde alle tue domande sul Progetto Scuola.
    Il Progetto Scuola guiderà gli studenti di tutte le scuole in un percorso di scoperta e apprendimento, che avrà inizio con il lavoro svolto in classe sul tema di Expo Milano 2015 “Nutrire il pianeta. Energia per la vita” e terminerà con la visita al sito espositivo.
    Attraverso Foody, l’operatore virtuale, sarà possibile ottenere informazioni, semplificare l’organizzazione delle gite scolastiche sul sito espositivo e molto altro ancora.

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  • Olivia - l'agente dialogante dell'olio d'oliva

    The project aims at promoting the correct use of olive oil and the awareness about the extra virgin olive oil features. A smart label in connection with an intelligent chatbot software helps consumer to get in touch with culture and properties of oilve oil. QRC on a smart label on the olive oil bottle and a smartphone are the interface of this project

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  • DIVE Immersive Change e.coaching & e.mentoring suite

    DIVE is a specialized digital platform meticulously crafted to render coaching and mentoring universally scalable, cost-effective, and easily accessible. This integrated platform seamlessly fuses digital learning and coaching, underpinned by a synergy of neuroscientific methodology and cutting-edge technology. DIVE actively promotes the cultivation of empowerment and personal growth, ensuring a top-tier caliber and utmost efficiency throughout the coaching and learning journey.

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  • LARA Conversational Agent


    LARA is a Conversational Agent (or Virtual Assistant), i.e. a software system that is able to understand and interpret the questions and requests of digital services placed via natural language (the language that we normally use when speaking and writing.)
    LARA is used by the service users who interact via different devices, workstations and office automation services (end-user computing).
    LARA can provide information on demand, responding directly to questions and requests for help…

    LARA is a Conversational Agent (or Virtual Assistant), i.e. a software system that is able to understand and interpret the questions and requests of digital services placed via natural language (the language that we normally use when speaking and writing.)
    LARA is used by the service users who interact via different devices, workstations and office automation services (end-user computing).
    LARA can provide information on demand, responding directly to questions and requests for help raised by the user, it can support the user as "self-help" and guide him/her to solve their problems on their own, it may collect reports for more effective assistance addressing second-level help desk, monitor requests, proactively contact users in specific intervals or in relation to specific reports.
    LARA has a dual function being both a "Single-Point-Of-Contact" as part of a multi-service customer service as well as a Help Desk, available 24/7. It is accessible on the cloud infrastructure and can be integrated with the web service contact centers and toll-assisted operator. You can access LARA from different types of workstations connected to the Internet (Net-PC, Thin Client, PC, Laptop, Smartphone and PDA).

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  • RATIO L3


    Financed under the European Social Fund, this project aimed at improving the skills of National Employment Agency's staff, by training and developing and introducing a set of innovations.

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Honors & Awards

  • Confindustria 2013 "Imprese x Innovazione", menzione speciale per Gruppo Pragma I "Premio dei Premi" per Gruppo Pragma, classificata tra le prime 9 imprese

    Confidustria (Confederation of the Italia Industry) & Presidency of the Ministry Council (Italian Governement)

    For the second time, Gruppo Pragma has been given the "Special Mention", as PMI in the "Imprese x Innovazione" Prize (Enterprises 4 Innovation). In addition to this award, Gruppo Pragma has also received the "Premio dei Premi"; a special recognition given by the Italia Governement to the most innovative SMEs, ranked among the first 9 companies in the Prize.
    The motivation for the prize: "(give to a company) that has proved to be able to coherently pursue innovation-centred strategy and to…

    For the second time, Gruppo Pragma has been given the "Special Mention", as PMI in the "Imprese x Innovazione" Prize (Enterprises 4 Innovation). In addition to this award, Gruppo Pragma has also received the "Premio dei Premi"; a special recognition given by the Italia Governement to the most innovative SMEs, ranked among the first 9 companies in the Prize.
    The motivation for the prize: "(give to a company) that has proved to be able to coherently pursue innovation-centred strategy and to propose and get approval for innovative and international projects".

  • Confindustria 2012 Imprese x Innovazione,per Gruppo Pragma, categoria PMI

    Confindustria (Confederation of the Italian Industry)

    Special Mention for Gruppo Pragma (as SME) in the V Edition of the Confidustria Award "IxI" - Imprese per Innovazione (Enterprises for Innovation), the prize by Confindustria with the support of the Foundation Giuseppina Mai
    and in collaboration with APQI - Association for the Quality Award Italy, to enhance
    and spread the culture of 360 ° innovation and excellence, the competitiveness of
    and the development of the country

  • Innovazione ICMT (Information Communication & Media Technology), categoria "Convergenza - IT driven"

    Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici

    3^ Edition of the special prize given to companies that stand out for having developed projects or best innovative practices in the process of convergence between information technology,
    telecommunications, media, content and communication, offering solutions that innovate the
    business processes, organization, relationship, information and communication.
    Gruppo Pragma has been awarded for the "LARA" project, a conversational agent and an intelligent knwoledge base based on NLP for…

    3^ Edition of the special prize given to companies that stand out for having developed projects or best innovative practices in the process of convergence between information technology,
    telecommunications, media, content and communication, offering solutions that innovate the
    business processes, organization, relationship, information and communication.
    Gruppo Pragma has been awarded for the "LARA" project, a conversational agent and an intelligent knwoledge base based on NLP for virtual help desks.


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  • Women&Technologies - Associazione Donne e Tecnologie

    ordinary member

    - Present

    The Women and Technology Association was founded in 2009 from an idea by Gianna Martinengo, shared by a network of companies and individuals who provide their expertise to realize the mission. Enhance the female talent in technology, innovation and scientific research, promote projects and actions aimed at challenging stereotypes and gender discrimination, contribute to the orientation of young people to professions of the future and toward sustainable business models are the objectives of the…

    The Women and Technology Association was founded in 2009 from an idea by Gianna Martinengo, shared by a network of companies and individuals who provide their expertise to realize the mission. Enhance the female talent in technology, innovation and scientific research, promote projects and actions aimed at challenging stereotypes and gender discrimination, contribute to the orientation of young people to professions of the future and toward sustainable business models are the objectives of the Association .

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